Friday, February 24, 2012

Letters to home II

Dear Family

    I miss you all so very very much! As you probably know my family got to come out to Ohio for a quick very refreshing, for me, weekend visit.
God has been teaching me some amazing things. This weekend I will have the privilege of going to a camp in Michigan to help lead worship which
I am incredibly excited about!  If anyone did not receive my first e-mail just let me know and ill send it again! I'm kinda new to the program so
I most definitely could and probably did make mistakes!
    This week Travis brought up A new perspective on loving God. Im sure you have mostly heard
of the love languages such as physical touch, words of affirmation, gift giving, quality time, and acts of service. Well, loving God becomes much more
amazing when we express these languages towards him just as we would the people we care most about and I have forgotten to do this. What awesome
tools these can be if I keep them on the top of my mind constantly when accessing how I can better express my love for Jesus!

Prayer Needs

     I would like to ask for prayer for clarity in my thoughts as well as keeping my priorities straight. A clear mind and a focused heart
that I would try harder everyday to keep God on the top of my mind and worship him always. Also, I have not yet found a job. I am not very concerned
about not having a job because I know I will be provided for by my King.

Praying for you!
          Chris Buckley

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