Friday, March 30, 2012

I Am Overflowing.

            I apologize for not posting in a while, I really should share more because I'm bursting at the seems, but I wanted to have something to say that was not word vomit. passionate word vomit, but still not a lesson that you haven't been told eight thousand times. So let me start off by saying this, God is good. I find myself thinking too much, thinking about sins, my own and those of others. Thinking about how I can overcome them, but thinking so deeply that I just create fog and confusion. I am realizing very quickly that above all things I must seek Jesus. When I am seeking Jesus doubts fade, worries burn away and fears run away. Sins quickly become unappealing when the light of my King reveals the ugly monster that seems so inviting behind the veil of darkness. My countenance glows because the cup of my heart overflows with the shining truths of Gods love. The deeper I seek Jesus the more and more and more I see the glorious, meticulous work of his hands in my life and the lives of those around me.
            In other news! Shaun and I got the opportunity to teach a Wednesday night kids group about what God thinks about your physical appearance, It went pretty awesome from what we heard, but I was pretty nervous since Ive never done anything like that before and the kids were ages 4 to 12 which is kind of a huge variation in maturity levels! We were ecstatic to be used by God though. Also, I am directing an off the wall presentation of the book of Jude on April 22 I believe which I find to be a huge privilege and responsibility especially since this is what I will be leaving the church here as my last impression before I go home so I would love If you could keep that In your prayers! I miss you all so much and count the days until I return!

Champion Others, Seek Jesus.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Expectations assignment

This is one of the assignments from off the wall I wanted to share with my church family to maybe show you a little bit better how I am growing and where I am.


                Expectations is a funny word as I think about it in relation to my thoughts about the waning time I have left to soak in at off the wall. I say this because I hope as I learn, grow deeper, think more thoroughly and love more unconditionally that my expectations change. That they would always change to fit the plan you have, to reach the bar and grasp the concepts you created. That being said, my expectations (as of now) are to not only be pushed but learn how best to push myself, to build an iron, bible based foundation, and to love more unconditionally than I could have imagined.
                    I want to be pushed while I am here among this community to do the things that they normally would not. This I know will be difficult because I am not sure anyone else really wants to be pushed the way I do because of the small amount of time I have left. However I will push myself as I take in more and more biblical truths which can be easily shared with me by those around me who have a much deeper biblical knowledge. Honestly, how could I not push myself knowing more and more about a God like ours, how can I not get excited and stay in my seat. My mind must be always kept on the things of heaven in order for this to truly happen!
                     The Bible and the truths it contains should be my book of laws encouragement, hope, and wisdom. I want to know so deeply exactly where I stand. That I will not shake in the of strongest winds and harshest of quakes. It should be my answer for absolutely everything. I want to be able to discuss theology and even to preach if God asks me too. When asked about the things of the Kingdom I want to be incredibly knowledgeable. When even the unsaved asked they will see I am not following blindly but have indeed seen and know the power of God.
                     The point I am striving for is to walk into a room, see a crowd of people, and instantly place them all above myself without question or judgment. I want to be a champion for others because I have the Champion of Champions lifting me up always. To love others even when the do not love me, or bother me, or suck up all my energy. I want to love in an unfeeling manner.
                      These are my expectations as of now. I know and honestly hope they change. However, I most certainly must start somewhere and set goals, a bar to reach. A bar that I hope will be constantly raised out of my reach that I may always have something to strive for. When I leave, I want people to say that I am humble follower of the true God.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Letters to Home III

I'm Comin Home to Visit!

 March 10th I will be home for a 10 day visit with my family and friends. I am incredibly excited. There has never been a time in my life that I have learned more, that Ive gotten such an awesome Godly perspective on life, but I do dearly miss home and I wont be staying In Ohio forever (sorry if you were looking to get rid of me).
       Honestly, this past week has been rough for me spiritually. However, I know I am moving in the right direction because it was rough. Normally the state I was in I would have felt no conviction or any difference. Actually, I probably would have even thought my situation was a little better than normal. This time was different. If I dont feel at least a small fire I dont feel ok at all. Because I have seen God and his importance in my life, and all of our lives for that matter. A huge verse recently has been I Peter 1:11-12 Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. live such good lives among pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. This should be my goal. Overall, God Is awesome and continues to be awesome by lifting himself in front of my eyes constantly.

 Like always I would love prayer for clarity the direction God is leading me! for a heart that does not judge, not even in the most personal thoughts I have, and a love that is unfeeling. Hopefully I will be getting a job when I return from my visit back to pa! Financially I am set and I know my needs will be more than taken care of, however I believe life will bring up some expenses that I will gladly pay but expenses nonetheless!

I love you all and miss my home body so much!!
Cannot wait to see you all in a few weeks!

Praying for you!
          Chris Buckley

Friday, February 24, 2012

Letters to home: I

Dear Chruch Family,

         I miss you all very much and am always excited to hear my dad tell me how the church is growing. I have learned an unbelievable
amount in the short time I have been apart of the off the wall family! The community here is wonderfully encouraging even in
confrontation and through conflict. We are always growing in our faith and friendship with each other.
        I am learning so much better how to study the Bible and how incredibly important it is in a growing relationship with my Saviour.
Before, I almost viewed it as optional, that I could truly grow without submerging myself in Gods teaching. Its not possible. Most recently
we have started to read through a book called the Jesus I never knew (or something close to that) by Philip Yancey. It talks about the
views of Christ we/he had while growing up and how the Bible makes very little reference to the appearance of Jesus but speaks frequently
of his character, of his holy heart. Why do I not view people through biblical eyes? How frequently I judge without even realizing it, or not even
judge but view people on their physical or minor personality traits that sometimes are not exactly my favorite. When I think about this
lesson it seems like something I should have learned long ago but seeing it through God's eyes (or the trivial amount that humans can) it
goes so much deeper than 'not judging a book by its cover'. UPCC has always done a fantastic job of loving people, ALL people, and it is
beautiful! I pray that it never changes!

Prayer Needs
:  I would love prayer for clarity of Gods direction in my life, finding a job has proven more difficult than I hoped but im trusting it is
the will of our Creator! However, it can become kinda stressful. Also, that I fear nothing as I have been commanded.

In His hands!
             Chris Buckley

Letters to home II

Dear Family

    I miss you all so very very much! As you probably know my family got to come out to Ohio for a quick very refreshing, for me, weekend visit.
God has been teaching me some amazing things. This weekend I will have the privilege of going to a camp in Michigan to help lead worship which
I am incredibly excited about!  If anyone did not receive my first e-mail just let me know and ill send it again! I'm kinda new to the program so
I most definitely could and probably did make mistakes!
    This week Travis brought up A new perspective on loving God. Im sure you have mostly heard
of the love languages such as physical touch, words of affirmation, gift giving, quality time, and acts of service. Well, loving God becomes much more
amazing when we express these languages towards him just as we would the people we care most about and I have forgotten to do this. What awesome
tools these can be if I keep them on the top of my mind constantly when accessing how I can better express my love for Jesus!

Prayer Needs

     I would like to ask for prayer for clarity in my thoughts as well as keeping my priorities straight. A clear mind and a focused heart
that I would try harder everyday to keep God on the top of my mind and worship him always. Also, I have not yet found a job. I am not very concerned
about not having a job because I know I will be provided for by my King.

Praying for you!
          Chris Buckley